What are: Media Manager Indexer, AIRSVCU.EXE, SQL Browser?  __
I'm trying to learn about some of the administrator functions available. I've recently discovered the "event viewer" and have been trying to learn what the Media manager indexer & it's AIRSVCU.EXE , and the SQL browser that keep getting mentioned in the event viewer are. The clearest thing I've found so far is that the indexer makes a database of my media files for Windows Explorer, while it's slowing down my bootup and making a zillion log entries that show up in the event view, and are mostly that office programs opened normally, or that some unspecified operation could not complete because volume E:\ is not inserted in the drive. Sometimes there are rather alarming messages that I don't understand the meaning of, and if there even is a link to support for the item, there's almost never any information about it when I go there. So my questions are these: Why does Windows Explorer need a database of my media files? Does this thing do anything else? Is there any reason I shouldn't just disable it? And is there any way to delete the "functioning normally" logs without removing the logs that might be useful if I can find some way to figure out what they're trying to tell me? As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not too high-tech yet in my level of knowledge beyond just being a user, so please assume I know next-to-nothing and try to explain in terms a newbie can get. Thanks for any help. 1 person needs an answerI do too
April 2nd, 2010 12:51am

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